A little bit about my main interest - VATSIM

What’s VATSIM?

The Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network (VATSIM) has been one of my most important sources of inspiration for quite some time now. It is a complicated network of more than 100 000 members that I am a part of. We as members are trying to simulate all aspects of modern civil aviation with utmost precision. I am really happy to be a member of the VATSIM community. I basically have 3 separate lives: a real life, a dev life and a VATSIM life. On this page and in my blog you’ll find some details about my life on the network besides my other thoughts and ideas.

VATSIM and me

There are 2 ways you can interract with VATSIM: flying as a Pilot or controlling as an Air Traffic Controller. I don’t fly much these days, I mostly spend my time controlling.

I am a member of the Latvian part of the network - Latvia vACC. I am also an ATC (Air Traffic Control) instructor/examiner for all permanent ratings S1 <-> C1. My VATSIM stats are available here (network members only)

If you’d like to support me and our community, follow Latvia vACC on X or Join Latvia vACC.

Let the skies be clear. ✈️

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